Seung Won Oh Events Event 1. Orkest Ereprijs with Greg TML20220624 31831

Orkést De Ereprijs premieres “Modular 4 for Fourteen”

4 June 2023
Museum Arnhem
7 October 2023
ACEC exhibition space, Apeldoorn
9 December 2023
Orgelpark Aardlek complete, Amsterdam
“Modular 4 for Fourteen” is the fourth installment of the 2022 Modular composition series project.

Modular 4 for Fourteen is the fourth work of the Modular composition series. The air sound and microtonal pitch bend in repeating units encourages personalized interpretation. Further, these gestures are duplicated in other instruments unsynchronized. Naturally, the intended un-synchronization of similar gestures not only creates a traditional sense of contrapuntal relationship between the layers but also the rich timbral texture. 

The players in Modular compositions are the co-architect of composition: the parts provide a clear direction of musical goal but minimal information for music to operate. The players fill in and add flesh to grow and ripen to the full flavor of the final product.

Reflecting the strong identity of Orkést De Ereprijs, Modular 4 for Fourteen is composed for three groups in the orchestra: two similar-sounding quintets (group 1 and group 2) emulates personal and musical take on the relationship between object and its shadow. Group 3 remains steadfast in drone-like ostinato forming a distant connection to the other groups. By the end of time travel, group 1 and group 2 swap their positions, hence raising the question of what are the ultimate object and true shadow. Are they absolute or relative?

Seung Won Oh Events Event 1. Orkest Ereprijs with Greg TML20220624 31831

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