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Spiri II: Sheltered Ritual / New European Ensemble

14 September 2024
Muziekgebouw aan T’ij Amsterdam Netherlands

The Stichting New Music First celebrates Anton Bruckner's 200th birthyear in 2024 with ten premieres each corresponding to Bruckner's ten symphonic works. 

Spiri II: Sheltered Ritual is directly inspired by his symphony No. 4 and is a personal internalization of Bruckner's music world. As part of the Spiri series (2023~ 2024)- Spiri II: Sheltered Ritual pursues an interesting musical form, original sound world, attention to intricate timbre with unmistakable fondness of percussion ensemble in a chamber orchestra setting.

After the successful collaboration of YeonDo Bosch Requiem, Oh again partnered with New European Ensemble to produce Spiri II: Sheltered Ritual, a substantial length program (Ca. 50 mins), with an expanded strings section and the addition of a percussion ensemble. 

The Bruckner Casco opens the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ Amsterdam’s 2024-2025 season with Netherlands' top-notch ensembles during the three day festival (13 through 15 September 2024).


Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. 14 Sep 2024

Amare, Den Haag. 15 Sep 2024


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